Homegirl TV Show
Homegirl is an episodic, scripted, comedy series intended for television and streaming services. From writer Kashana "Kween Kash" Sarvis, Homegirl follows a group of first generation Caribbean-American friends from New York navigating the approach of middle-age, societal expectations, sexuality, parenting, relationships and the "commess" aka drama that comes with it all.
In this pilot episode, meet lead characters and besties, Kash & Raylin. Kash is the all around crafty, creative, responsible friend. She is currently separated from husband, and living in Long Island, NY with their 10 year old son, DJ searching for something that is unknown, but is using her creativity to carve a path to it alongside her best friend, Raylin; a professor of Woman Studies who identifies as a “soft stud” lesbian who looking for love and acceptances, unbeknownst to her. After decades of friendship, these homegirls are their true, authentic, uninhibited, silly selves amongst each other. Their conversations and interactions will either make you cringe or cry laughing. And when the extended family & friends make an appearance (in future episodes) it's a lovable, laughable mess.