Adetoro and Rashad, two young men from two different backgrounds living in the same neighborhood. With tension between the two men based off differences and a heated argument in the local barbershop, a situation arises that forces them to look to each other for safety.
Up Next in Shorty-Shorts :: 10-Minutes or Less
“RenaiDance” is a 3D narrative emotional animation. The theme invigorates cultural inheritance and the integration of dreams, courage, and culture as transformation. By artistically interpreting a motif of inheritance and family support, integrating different cultures “inheritance” through the in...
Pequeña María/ Little María
Like many children, my children are curious to learn more about their parents’ and family’s experiences when they were kids. My children wanted to know if my husband and I were anything like them when we were little and if we had similar experiences, although one of their parents grew up in a dif...
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