Short Films
Set in a high school, Maxine follows the story of a middle-aged teacher coping with the traumatic aftermath of a brutal attack that occurred 30 years prior. As she heads back to her classroom one afternoon, the sighting of a new male janitor sends Maxine into a state of paranoia and confusion. She attempts to process the incident, trying to decipher the delusions from reality, but ultimately, Maxine puts her students and her own life at risk.
Up Next in Short Films
The Sacrificed Ones
Paris 2023: France is devastated by a new strain of the Coronavirus. Under Commander Gomez, the BPSS (Brigade for Protection and Sanitary Security) has a simple mission: locate, test, and transport infected citizens to a militarized medical zone known as, RAGUSE. But when a routine inspection at ...
A film made from Instagram Stories videos, “Wanderlust” is an ode to the people, places, and moments that one experiences while traveling around the Indian subcontinent. The film is a reminder that these experiences are still out there, waiting for our return.
The film features scenic landscapes...