Kid Chocolate
Short Films
In a world plagued by the harsh realities of the streets, five young boys forge an unbreakable bond as they strive to rise above their circumstances. Guided by two seasoned ex-fighters, they embark on a path to transform their lives. However, the challenges they face to protect the children from the brutalities of their environment prove to be far greater than they ever anticipated. "Kid Chocolate" is a poignant short film that explores the resilience and determination of these young boys as they fight for survival and a chance at a better future.
Up Next in Short Films
Broke Down Drone
Poverty, death and hopelessness is all that can be expected in one of the roughest neighborhoods in Chicago. For Roc and DeVontae, on the brink of potential stardom, the opportunity to escape all three is within reach, if only...
La Desaparición De Eva | The Disappea...
Eva and Sofia, two teenage friends, meet again after eighteen years.
Behind their backs looms a traumatic past when Eva disappears at the age of sixteen, without giving any sign of life until now.
Eva, unsure of her own memories and of herself, decides to accept Sofia’s invitation to her cabin ...